Submit Your 2024 Documents

Information about each of the documents requested below is found at

Summary of Goals, Accomplishments, and Other Contributions

3 pages maximum; submitted by downloading a word or PDF file

This document will not stored on the server once submitted.
This will be passed to the facilitators of your connected administrative units then removed from IANR Impacts.

Only PDF Files (*.pdf) and Microsoft Word Documents (*.docx) will be accepted

Curriculum Vitae / Resume

This document will not stored on the server once submitted.
This will be passed to the facilitators of your connected administrative units then removed from IANR Impacts.

Nic Colgrove - CV
Impact Reports
Report 1
Nic Colgrove - Food Loss & Food Waste
Report 2
Nic Colgrove - Streaming Science
Other Materials Requested

If the administrator responsible for your evaulation as requested other documents, please attach those here.

This document will not stored on the server once submitted.
This will be passed to the facilitators of your connected administrative units then removed from IANR Impacts.

Only PDF Files (*.pdf) and Microsoft Word Documents (*.docx) will be accepted

Individual Action Plan (IAP) - Extension Only

This document will not stored on the server once submitted.
This will be passed to the facilitators of your connected administrative units then removed from IANR Impacts.

Only PDF Files (*.pdf) and Microsoft Word Documents (*.docx) will be accepted

Submitting these documents will send all related documents to your unit for review. You will be copied on any message sent.

Send Completed Documents